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Reali-ity has created a mashup of last.fm and Pandora. This is the most useful merge of two different sites I’ve seen in a while. I’ve written about both services here and here. Finally something new and useful that isn’t geared towards build-n-flip to Google or taking on Microsoft Office.

Eric at Pandora is complaining that they are not getting advertising dollars from the mashup. I totally agree with him. Mashups, RSS and the emergence of web services as opposed to websites are forcing companies that have no official relationship to play nicely. Reali-ity needs to throw up Adsense and split revenue with Pandora and last.fm. This should be part of some sort of Creative Commons contract.

These sorts of problems need to be addressed as dating and social networking and recommendation sites wise up and start offering RSS feeds of their profiles.

Technorati Tags: pandora.fm