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SiliconBeat writes about Geovector, which puts a compass sensor in your cell phone, letting you point at places to retrieve information, read reviews, initiate calls and more. This is incredible stuff, although it’s available only in Japan for the time being.

While you can’t just yet point your phone at someone to see their profile, it’s a giant step closer to usable location-based services.

There is no reason why people-discovery via mobile phones has to be done by dating companies.

It’s straightforward to pipe a profile to a phone, that’s mildly iteresting. The problem so far is that the search features have been far too general to be useful. Searching for people based in your mobile’s cell tower range is a lot more useful than zip code search because dating sites tend to loosen zip code restrictions based on the number of responses. Why not have profiles directly embedded in the phone? I’m still waiting for simple cell tower or bluetooth based people search that work on more than a few phones in the US.

This stuff isn’t going to take off until MyspaceMobile offers the service, then it’s going to spread like wildfire.

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