Representative John Bradley of Illinois has introduced the Internet Dating Disclosure and Safety Awareness Act.
Requires an online dating service provider offering services to residents of this State to disclose clearly and conspicuously, to any member who provides a billing address or a zip code in this State when registering with the provider, that the online dating provider either initiates a background check of felony and sex offense convictions on each member prior to permitting any member to communicate with a member in this State or that the online dating service provider does not initiate such a background check.
If a dating service allows felons and sex offenders, they have to have a scarlet letter on their profile and in any communication with other members. No problem having criminals on dating sites as long as the site announces it performs background checks. Bizarre.
I’m not clear on how intra-state or worldwide communication between members is being addressed. And why are ISP’s with less than 1,000 members exempt when right above that, all ISP’s are exempt?
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