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Jon on the PodDater blog sez:

You will be able to conduct a search and subscribe to those search preferences. The results will be delivered to your iTunes application or an RSS reader.

Video profiles downloaded overnight, ready for watching during your commute or downtime throughout the day, or just watch them in iTunes at your desk. I’m warming up to this idea more and more since I’ve been watching video blogs like Rocketboom. Recently I purchased a 24″ Dell LCD monitor and I would much rather skim videos on that than a tiny screen but that’s just me.

How long until video profiles come back into popularity? I would like someone from Match to explain why they were taken down in the first place. I’ve always thought it was because having customer service reps reviews thousands of videos for trademark infringement and pr0n was too resource intensive.

Yahoo still has their videos up, in fact I just took mine down it was terrible and I don’t even remember putting it up there. People have been watching that for a year, ugh.

[tags: poddater]