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A recent commenter said that all the world needs is a single dating site. On this blog, you should back that assertion up. Why only one service?

“People that complain about Match obviously don’t understand how to use it properly” is an uninformed opinion. You are putting the responsibility for the user experience on the user, which is not how sites should be developed. Part of this is on the shoulders of the designers at dating sites.

If I had a big bag of VC money and I put together a one-page business plan and flew to each major dating company and cherry-picked the smartest people, which I think would be pretty easy at this point, and said we’re starting from scratch, we could probably build a single best of breed site in a few months.

It would show total number of users in your area.

It would allow you to tag yourself, and others, to make searching easier.

Perhaps a personality test, integrated with search and results pages.

Subscriptions- $500 for six months.

Pay for promotion- maybe. More on this later, it’s a hot topic right now.

I would bring in social networking guru’s, business model or not, they tend to understand the dynamics of bringing people together at a much deeper level than most dating sites.

I would also borrow search from Yahoo and tags from Consumating.com.

What features would you add to your site?

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