Received this in my inbox this morning. I signed up as part of my Russian Brides experiment.
On STOP-SCAMMERS.COM site you’ll find always the freshest information about known scammers involved in dating fraud with complete information and photos, scam reports, scam and reliable agencies, forum, different scam scenarios, warning signs, resources for reporting and much more… New reports this week (to view the full list of new reports click here): Name: Tatiana Novikova Age: 25 Location: Kansk (Russia) see complete profile Name: Irina Russkih Age: 27 Location: Yoshkar-Ola (Russia) see complete profile Name: Olesya Mynina Age: 25 Location: Samara (Russia) see complete profile
They even have a forum where you can post about scam scenarios, how to catch a scammer and other tips related to Easter-bloc dating.
[tags: scammers]