I spoke with Dr. Mark Thompson at WeAttract today. As the lead author of the paper, “Consumers are having second thoughts about online dating”, Dr. Mark is full of insight opinions about the industry and not afraid to share them. Each time we talk I come away looking at the dating industry differently and today was no different.
I picked the paper up this weekend and started reading again and I’m glad I did. The first time around was more of a quick scan. Supposedly 6,000 people have downloaded the in-depth look at the online dating industry. I imagine that a good number of those people are consumers because 250 television stations picked up a show that weAttract and Dr. Mark put out on the wire mentioning the paper.
If you haven’t read it yet, the paper is here. Highly recommended.
Interesting note: Yahoo! encouraged WeAtttract to write the whitepaper, actually a series of whitepapers, on the online dating industry. Lorna Borenstein, General Manager at Yahoo! Personals, evidently was upset with the original whitepaper and asked weAttract to remove any mention that Yahoo! endorses the ideas set forth therein. WeAttract went ahead and republished the paper without referencing Yahoo!
In other weAttract news, the Physical Attraction Test version 2.0 out soon. 1/3 the length of the current version and 10x better according to Dr. Mark. As I’ve mentioned before, weAttract has more offerings for the dating industry in the pipeline.