An inversion is about to occcur. Social Networking will become the meta-market, with online dating, and business networking as sub-segments.
Dating sites are beginning to integrate social networking into their sites. Don’t leave money on the table. Found your partner? Don’t go away, sign up for our new friendship network. Extend membership duration and direct members to your friendship network. Better transfer pertinent information from your dating profile over to your friendship network, don’t make me re-enter everything.
I want my single profile accessible across any number of sites. Where is GoogleDating?
Once again, customer service was a non-issue. Ignore your customers and they’ll ignore you. Paul Gallucci, COO of Lavalife wins a prize for being the first person to mention customer service.
Lot’s of head-scratching over the Friendster Eharmony deal. What’s up with that? Doesn’t make sense at first glance. Can’t imagine typical Friendster member answering 436 personality questions.
Props to Sabrina behind the bar, and various SITRACon attendees on the bar.
SpringStreet was a sponsor, but not in attendance.
There is concern about the probability that the industry can support two conference organizers running 4 shows a year.
I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of Boston-based companies involved in the online dating space. A monthly dinner is definitely in order, email me if you’re interested in attending.