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Spearheaded by TRUE’s chief psychological officer, Dr. James Houran, the paper, entitled “Do Online Matchmaking Tests Work? An Assessment of Preliminary Evidence for a Publicized ‘Predictive Model of Marital Success,'” is the first academic publication to explore the growing acceptance of online matchmaking as a scientifically legitimate approach to mate selection. The paper further explores the claims of several online dating sites that their services and testing methods derived from scientific foundations.

This stuff interests me, it’s definitely going to be a major factor in the success of online dating services. In a few years.

Call it marketing through scientific journals. I’m surprised that eHarmony didn’t write this first. The major online dating services have proven that psychological testing doesn’t mean much when it comes to finding out if your partner is compatible. For most people, that happens during the first date. All the tests I’ve taken are either too long, the questions sound like they were cooked up in a lab full of people in white coats who got married as undergrads or they insult your intelligence. “Celebrity I resemble most?”, come on. Nobody takes these things seriously. Women get far too many emails from unsavory characters and men complain that nobody responds to their emails. Let’s fix that first before we worry about inkblots and predictive modeling. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a free link to the article when it’s published and you can form your own opinion.
