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Did you know that Peng T. Ong was a co-founder and chief architect of Electric Classifieds, Inc (the creators of Match.Com)? I didn’t either. Previously, Peng was a consultant at Illustra Information Technologies, Inc. and also held various engineering and management roles at Sybase, Inc. and Gensym Corporation. I loved what Ilustra was doing (datablades!), before they got bought by Informix, who then got gobbled up by IBM. Imagine if a large dating service opened up their services to 3rd parties who could extend the search, chat and connect capabilities using datablades (think specific custom modules)? Developers would go nuts, quickly creating the functionality that consumers need, not what your VC thinks you should develop to appease shareholders. Oh, and Peng also started Interwoven too. What an overachiever.