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Meet your Match.com date for a TV pilot and get an all-expenses paid date in New York City. Match.com is giving one lucky couple who feel like they’ve found a love connection online an all-expenses paid first date in NYC.

If you’ve already developed sizzling online chemistry with another Match.com member, have corresponded with them online, but haven’t yet been able to meet this special someone face-to-face, they want to hear from you.

To apply for an opportunity to participate in this TV pilot, please return this completed questionnaire, along with your photo and contact information to Bridgette Cush at: ilovestory@match.com.

**Only questionnaires with all questions answered, complete contact information and those who are currently involved with other Match.com members but haven’t yet met will be considered.

Match.com username
Contact phone numbers
Best times to call
Your date’s Match.com username

1. How long have the two of you been in touch via Match.com?

2. How well do you feel like you know him or her?

3. Have you talked on the phone yet? If so, how frequently?

4. Have the two of you discussed getting together before? What has stopped you from meeting?

5. What would you want to do on a first date in New York?

6. How do you think the person on the date will stack up against the online persona that you’ve come to know?

7. How important is it to you to find out if you’re a good match with this person?

8. What are your expectations of the relationship? Serious, just friends or other…please explain.

Please return via email to: ilovestory@match.com, and don’t forget to send your photo.