’s Matchwords seem to be working in people’s profiles, but continue to be broken at the main page.
When I add a Matchword from someone else’s profile to mine, I can’t tell the word has been successfully added except for the word being bolded.
I would like to hear from the person who is responsible for the new profile layout at Match to ask them what happened. I like the direction they are going, but the execution falls short of reasonable. With tens of millions of dollars in the bank, one would think they would hire a genius User Interface designer to get the profiles right instead of half-baked mid-course corrections. You know what Match profiles look like now? Fastcupid!
Fatal flaw: Cramming the essay and main content into a tiny center column looks too cramped.
What’s up with the “15 things you are both looking for”? Hello, anybody home? Looks like they had a few focus groups, took the notes and handed them over to the developers.
Kudos for moving photos to the top, smart, and having the photos reload without reloading the page is good. It almost works. I’ll poke around more, what do you think of the redesign?
[tags: matchwords, user+interface]