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A reader named John Brown left a comment stating that Dr. James Houran did not in fact create the True personality test.

According to Brown:

The test was developed by Plumeus, Inc. and the “brain� behind the test is certainly not Mr. Houran but Ilona Jerabek Ph.D.

Plumus was recently re-branded PsychTests. PsychTests main product is MatchScale. According to True, Jerabek is an advisor, however nowhere does it state that she created the test. Some digging and I came across “Psychometric Description of the True Compatibility Testâ„¢ — A Proprietary Online Matchmaking System“, which seems to show that Jerabek did in fact create the test. Regardless, a fascinating read until my eyes crossed.

Jerabek posted a comment here recently.

[tags: personality testing, true.com]