This is cool, I hope participating New Yorkers will share their experience with this.
MeetMoi is throwing an event (loosely defined because there is nowhere to go) the first week in November. The meetMoi NOW mobile application is an absolute “first” for the dating category in the use of persistent location. It uses background processing to persistently share location off the device. The idea is to cause a paradigm shift in dating, where we go from a “pull/browse based model” to a push based model, where the cloud is aware of your preferences and your location.
To illustrate the power of the application, we’re hand-selecting 500 people in New York to participate in a city wide beta. When people match, we synchronously send the matching people one another’s profiles. Super-imposed on their pictures are the choices, “Yes,” “No” and “Not Now.” When two users from this beta pool elect to chat with one another, we’ll dynamically suggest a location of a participating bar that is proximate to them where we’ve also arranged for them to have a free round of drinks on us.
Download and sign up at the Drinks on Us Website.