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Here are the bullet points for my speech at BU this week.

Social Capital in the Networked Era

Dating sites- “Introduction services”

Current strategy
Increase value of customers, not to customers
Focus on getting more customers

Leave money on the table
Offline partnering with online
Crowded marketplace- thousands of sites
Difficult to differentiate

Cheaper ain’t better.People use price as a filter

“Yahoo! Personals Premiere”, eHarmony $50/month

Adding personality tests- less than 1% take them
WeAttract- personality tests linked to Yahoo! profile

Free services
High attrition rate during move to paid subs

Lack of accountability & transparency
How many dates? Value of dates?
Better rating for adhering to 3rd date rule?

Legal- True.com

Future trends & success factors

Market contraction- stale sites and profiles (DEFINE)
Deeper alliances- Relationship Exchange, federation.

What is the value of a profile?
Better marketing- don’t insult visitors
Targeted advertising (know their habits and preferences)

Niche sites
Cowboy date

From web sites to web services
Exposing services for consumption

ProfileDoctor is website to customers
Webservice to partners & affiliates

Maturation of tools
– rss, lamp, ajax web services
– Tagalicioius folksonomies

Yahoo! Personals, RSS partner feeds

“Beta is the new Black”
Delicious- built by consumers. Where is the line between what I own and the site owns. Not just data vs. features & functionality

Nice social networking/dating site hybrid
Movable Type – CMS
RSS feed from partner
Subscribe to value-added services provider
Join ad networks

Sites to Watch

8 Minute Dating
Started the speed dating craze
Networking Match- trade show speed dating


I use Technorati almost as much as I Google.

Pincus – dynamic, open profiles – 18 months
I call them blogs.

PROBLEM: centralized blogs.

“23 people would sleep with so and so”


Social networking

Sitting at a computer is not social
Lot to learn from social networking sites

Social networking sites searching for answers
Friendster on 3rd CEO?
$15M funding

Myspace eating their lunch
comScore says 7th largest internet property in Feb.
9 million unique visitors!

Site’s best feature originally a software bug
Ability to change Look & Feel.
Deja vu 1995 Sixdegrees.com, Geocities

Degrees of separation- more than a few a waste of my time

Recommendation engines need to get smarter

Lack of effective Aggregation, Filters, Granularity


Identify, Track, manage your online persona

Id Verification, background checks
First line of defense: Ax murderer 50 pixels from husband material


• GreatBF/GF- testimonials

• Rateadate- negative feedback

• Slashdot article rating system- threshold

• eBay- primitive reputation management

Early Days
Match, Friendfinder
Pay to get highlighted
Frequency of login is only way to get to top of search results

Going from LinkRank(Link early, link often) , trackbacks and comments
to Earn the right to connect to me, publish me in your blogroll.


External business Environment

Visualization of Google zeitgeist
Press releases, stock prices, alliances & partnerships, hires/fires.

Open access is important component of reputation management systems
Contextually- aware open profiles- FOAF

Closing Remarks