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Last week I had a conversation with Robert Mehta, a lawyer who has been contacting dating sites to inquire about representing the online dating industry in California. Robert is trying to get a group of dating sites to support his testifying and “making the rounds” of Committee member’s involved.

To recap, two bills have been introduced in the California State Assembly:

AB 766, which would require online dating services to remove a subscriber, and his or her personal information, from public display if requested by a California subscriber.

AB 1681 requires online relationship service providers to either provide criminal background checks or to provide a notice indicating that no such check has been done.

Background on Robert Mehta:

I believe Capitol Advocates is uniquely qualified to assist in defeating this legislation due to our extensive legal/lobbying experience representing numerous public/private companies on legal and legislative matters, coupled with our extensive relationships with numerous Legislators on both sides of the aisle.  Moreover, having worked as a Senior Staff member to former Governor Pete Wilson, I have extensive relationships with Governor Schwarzenegger’s Administration.  Additionally, as a former prosecutor in the Orange County District Attorney’s office, I have extensive relationships with most California District Attorney’s, Police Chiefs of most large cities, Sheriffs, California District Attorneys Association, and other law enforcement agencies.  I anticipate that unless we work with law enforcement, those entities will naturally lend their support for legislation that appears to enhance public safety.

If you would like to contact Robert, his email is rmehta@capitol-advocates.com.