UK, which is now part of Meetic, has launched MatchAffinity which is not to be confused with Match UK or which is powered by Match. Markus quotes:
MatchAffinity helps people to find their partner through some more scientific means. Each user takes a simple psychometric style test (takes about 10 minutes) and will then be matched with other members on the site based on a percentage compatibility ratio. In order to then communicate with the member, users will need to subscribe to the full service, we find that curiosity usually gets the better of them!
Reader Fernando says It is actually MeeticAffinity rebranded and intended for the UK market, which was formerly known as Ulteem.
Here’s the VisualDNA quiz on MSN/Match in the UK.
Chegg is the leading textbook rental company in the US. They recently raised $137 million dollars, and are changing the textbook rental game. Interesting factoid, former Match PR head Tina Couch works at Chegg, and previous Match CEO Jim Safka was the CEO of Chegg, at lest for a little while. Via All things Digital.
It’s time for another episode of Which Test Won. Which landing page do you think performed best?
Congrats to David Levy at Tigerbow for getting plugged on the Today show.
Flipping the Funnel with Joseph Jaffe: marketers are losing control of what their brands stand for. Your brand’s message is what your customers and prospects say it is.
This story on active vision dovetailed nicely with the fantastic OKCupid post about online personals photos, The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures.
The Definitive Book of Chinese Astrology has some dating and relationship stuff in it. I’m amazed that more companies don’t pay attention to astrology when it comes to matching. 2,000 years of experience versus a few dozen, hmmm.