Enjoying Miami Beach this week, especially meeting people from around the world that I’ve only communicated with via email or phone. Too bad I have to leave tonight, could use a few weeks here.
Facebook is turning off notifications. Several dating apps have told me this is a good thing. I’m not so sure.
SNAP Interactive books $5.6 million in revenue in 2009. I wonder what Zoosk’s revenue was? SNAP has transitioned to a premium subscription model. Amazing how much money can be made on the HotOrNot model.
PaidContent says MySpace Eyes Virtual Goods. Just buy Viximo already.
Spanish dating site startup Bookioo looks like they are copying HerWay.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, The Better Sex Guide to Extraordinary Lovemaking.
Consolidating Dating Site Management: NutshellMail helps users manage social networking through email. Where is the service
How to select a landing page vendor.
Sexual positions acted out with pens.