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From the Frisky, Hong Kong School Girls Dig “Compensated Dating”:

In Hong Kong, teenage girls are going on “compensated dates” after school. Basically, they go out with older men in exchange for money, but they don’t see this as prostitution, because in their minds they’re in control of whether or not sex is involved … even though sex is usually involved.

Screen shot 2009-09-24 at 4.25.38 PM.png Activity Streams is an extension to the Atom feed format to express what people are doing around web. The Activity Streams format has already been adopted by Facebook, MySpace, Windows Live, and Opera. Here’s the wiki and the mailing list. See this presentation on Activity Streams and this post.

Emailing back and forth with Gavin Potter, who is working with Intro Analytics to develop the next generation of matchmaking tools.

Lots of talk lately about Gelato, which imports member’s Facebook information to pre-populate dating profiles. Basic activity stream information is imported as well.

Heard from Fred at Datingwatch.org. If you speak French, let me know what you think of the site.

Forget rolling over and having a cigarette, Retrevo.com‘s Latest Social Media Addiction Study and Twitter @retrevostudies.

Mashable: Young Social Mediaphiles: 36% Tweet and Check Facebook After Sex.

Checking Twitter/Facebook: the new post-coital cigarette?

Do You Tweet After Sex?