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Tom Jaffee and I spoke about Marketing to Singles at the Florida Restaurant Show. Thanks to everyone who shared ways for dating sites to partner with restaurants and bars to reach the singles market. I’ll have more to say about how dating sites can earn ad revenue from restaurants, bars and entertainment locations soon.

I spent a lot of time at WooMe and OmniDate last week. Someone at WooMe mentioned that WooMe Partners With IG to Bring Live Video Introductions to Brazil.

Friendfinder White Label Solutions: Back in April I spoke with Mike Rogers, Vice President, Sales at FriendFinder Networks. With all of the talk about white label dating solutions, you might want to know that FriendFinder Networks, Inc., offers co-brand white label dating services. We have hundreds of top publishers as clients and can co-brand with many different databases including Christian, Latino, Jewish, smart & sexy, Asian, seniors and more.

Dan Wellisch at Cameyeo says they are offering their videoconferencing service to dating sites.

Randy Dean at LetsCallMe is offering anonymous calling for several different vertical markets, including online dating.

Online Identity Verification: AssertID and Truyoo.

If you haven’t used it, go download Foursquare. Now you can see other users who are nearby, very cool application with dating potential. I use it five times a day at least.

Interview with CEO of Sofa Labs (creators of  Thread) founder Brian Phillips at Inside Facebook.

WorldFriends, one of the world’s leading international social networking services, today announced that it has launched the WorldFriends Facebook application. The WorldFriends application enables any Facebook user to find new friends with common interests from WorldFriends’ more than 2 million registered members from 200+ different countries including 140,000 language teachers, browse more than 1 million photos uploaded by members, and share travel advice and tips. With the recent launch of its Trips and Cities feature, WorldFriends is one of the easiest ways to find new friends in any city in the world. To try the WorldFriends application in Facebook visit:http://apps.facebook.com/worldpenpals/

I’m seeing a huge uptick in domainers trying to unload their dating urls. I heard a few top 10 dating sites have acquired new urls recently. I don’t think singles really care about the url. If a dating site was called Imuglyfatandobnoxious.com and it was packed with great singles near you, it would do well. Sure there is the SEO stuff, which I hope will change because most dating sites have gone completely overboard with paragraphs of text on the home page.

Google will make this go away soon enough, should be packed away in meta-data hidden in the <head> tag anyways, but that is another conversation entirely.

Along that vein, are any dating sites looking to implement features based on HTML 5? The geo-location is interesting.

Loves Me, Loves Me Not (Do the Math)

Gay Dating Makes Its Way To The iPhone – washingtonpost.com

eROI Email Testing Guide: Effective Tests for Every Metric of an Email Campaign

DateDaily (thanks for the mention!)