Twitter-like Dating, Brevity’s the Best Opener– OKCupid is doing a great job sharing what they are learning about how people interact on the site. Turns out that the ideal message length from men to women is between 200-300 characters and from women to men it’s a mere 50 characters. I love the transparency, and OKCupid is providing members with information that will help them become better online daters. After about 360 words (1800 characters), you start scaring people off. Fascinating.
Here’s the OKCupid A-List upgrade page.
I’m looking for a person or company who specializes in creating unique marriage proposals. Does anyone know about this sort of thing? No, it’s not for me.
This Facebook dating site ad caught my eye. Who knows if there really are 1527 girls near me, but I like to know there are opportunities right around the corner.
Today’s photos were taken around the corner from my house, you can’t see him clearly but Ben Affleck is shooting a movie here, lots of movie star sightings in little old Charlestown. My friends were giddy with excitement at the prospect of seeing Ben and some other guy from Mad Men who is in the movie as well.