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This Touchwall is incredibly cool. I wonder if Skout could run their system on it?

Dating in 3D – when will we be able to interact with potential dates in the browser in environments like this?

Funny Bing ad which mentions online dating advertising.

What’s next: A dashboard for online dating? Dating management/tutor/concierge services are going to be big business, have spoken with several companies working on demos. I own the perfect url for one of these.

BBC NEWS | Health | ‘Glass hold’ reveals personality

Social Proof in Online Dating Profiles

Plenty of Fish Picture Experiment

‘Quality Scores’ For Web Content

Intelius just showed me the last 10 places I lived as part of their background check demo. That certainly took me down memory lane.

Facing A Lawsuit And Complaints From Celebs, Twitter Launches Verified Accounts. Verification of online dating profiles and photos is heating up. Expect a big announcement in the next week or so.

More iPhone applications for gays.

China needs background checks:grifters posing as brides work the Chinese countryside.

Seattle and the Center for Sex-Positive Culture.