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I’m hanging out in the chat room if you want to talk.

If you’re a blogger, tag your iDate posts as idate2009 to make it easier for the rest of us to follow you.

70+ Free iPhone Apps for Social Media Mavens.

A 22-year-old woman is selling her virginity online — offering her body to bidders nationwide in an auction that reportedly has netted a $3.7 million offer — and the law isn’t doing a thing to stop her.

Saïd Amin says that BlackPlanet has stopped charging for the dating site. Thanks for the shout-out, Saïd.

Someone sent me a link to 15% off Match.com. Thanks to whoever you are.

okcupidsomeonejustlookedatme.pngThoughts in my head: online dating has been all about time shifting. Now we’re moving into real-time search and updates. OKCupid pops up an alert when someone views my profile. I guess if I was a hottie that would drive me crazy, but I do like the periodic popups, makes me feel good. I’m talking to several mobile dating providers who are focused on helping you find out other singles nearby while preserving privacy concerns. Sometimes I want to search for people late at night, other times, when I’m in downton Boston, I’d like to see who’s out and about and up for meeting.

Mob Wars, which is a game that lets players act as criminals and rise through the mob ranks by committing crimes, fighting other players, etc., brings in a lot of money. Players use real currency to buy weapons and other virtual goods on the site. Some estimates suggest revenue may have peaked at $1 million/month, and there are nearly 2.5 million active users of the application on Facebook today.

Mobile Payments Getting Traction On Social Networks, But Fees Are Sky High