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KillerStartups talks about Kontagent, a viral analytics platform.

Kontagent can be best described as a viral analytics platform that is geared towards social network application developers. The company itself is headquartered in San Francisco, and it has been founded by serial entrepreneurs Albert Lai and Jeffrey Tseng.

Currently, this platform works with the existing Facebook API, and support for OpenSocial and MySpace is underway. Kontagent is implemented by providing a wrapper for the Facebook client library that extracts the pertinent information, and this is processed by the platform’s analytics system.

The aspects that Kontagent can track include age, gender and number of friends. Moreover, the platform can pinpoint the exact location (both country and State), as long as the individual is based on either the United States or Canada.

This looks like a company that decided to improve on the Adonomics model. They won $250k from the Facebook Fund last fall. TechCrunch covered Kontagent a while back, with screenshots that show the type of information gathered.