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In its first report of pan-European Internet behaviour, independent measurement firm comScore Media Metrix ranked Match.com as the leading online dating site in Europe. According to comScore data, Match.com sites drew nearly four million visitors in October, more than 60 percent than its closest competitor.

When taking into account the company’s partnerships with a number of Europe’s leading portals, Match.com’s reach in Europe is even larger than the core numbers indicate. comScore Media Metrix estimates that when Match.com’s partner sites such as MSN, Tiscali, AOL and Wanadoo are combined with Match- owned properties, the company reached nearly 5.9 million visitors in October.

Unique visitors (000)

1. Match.com sites 3,960
2. Ilove.de 2,404
3. Meetic 2,209
4. MSN Dating and Personals 1,792
5. Matchnet 1,310

Kevin Cornils, Managing Director of Match.com in Europe:

We are delighted by this independent third-party confirmation of our European leadership position – highlighting the tremendous growth we have experienced and more importantly the invaluable service that we are providing to our more than nine million registered users in Europe.

27 million people across Europe – nearly one in five Internet users – use an online dating site each month.