No wonder Facebook’s valuation is tanking. Their targeted advertising remains an embarrassment. Recently Facebook crossed the 150 million member mark, but I have little respect for their ad team, which is obviously comprised of people who are still learning about online advertising. How long have I been complaining about Facebook advertising?
My Facebook ads today all say “Are you over 40? Chat with singles at Real Mature Dating.” I recently turned 40 and I would rather get a colonoscopy AARP mailing than get marketed to by a mature singles dating site. I have a running agreement with several friends, the day we get our first AARP mailing we have to immediately drop what we’re doing and get on a plane to Vegas.
Why is the only datapoint that Facebook has on me that I’m 40 and single? All my photos, wall posts and the groups I belong to paint a clear photo of my interests and preferences, so why does Facebook still not know how to reach me?
It’s time for Facebook to stop spending millions of dollars a week on servers and start mopping up, the place is starting to look messy.
Facebook is an engineering-focused company, like Yahoo was before Hollywood insiders came in and ruined it. It’s run by engineers, believe me I talk to them often.
Don’t even get me started with the fact that they had plans for a micro-payment service and they dropped them, terrible mistake.
I’m working with a company who is going to be doing really cool targeted advertising stuff with social networks. I can’t wait until they launch, less crappy remnant social networking ads, yay.
This post was concocted while listening to Flying Lotus (Adult Swim, anyone?).