A reader alerted me to the fact that video dating on mobile phones is already in play in the UK.
From Springwise:
Mobile device-centered dating services, have been around in Japan for more than 3 years – all of the major Japanese mobile service providers have branded dating sites, and they actually outrank online dating sites in popularity. Recently Europe and North America have begun to jump into the mobile dating scene, and consumer response is promising.
The 3G Dating Agency, launched as a trial this year, offers members the chance to send in clips they have recorded on their mobiles and browse other members clips. It then arranges video dates for those who express interest in each other. The 3G Dating Agency is a Samsung UK-affiliated service
Edward Brewster, of 3, says in the Telegraph:
“3G video technology will revolutionise the dating game. Not only do you get to see whether a potential date takes your fancy, you also get to check out their personality. “The response to our trial has been phenomenal. It has been so good that we are planning to launch a commercial dating service on 3 in the near future.”