Dating Ad Network has posted an interview with Kris Covino and Meir Strahlberg at
Everyone is talking about virtual goods these days. I’ve been working with Viximo, which provides a complete virtual goods platform to social networks and dating sites.
One thing I’m seeing is that Facebook virtual gift revenue projections are all over the map. VentureBeat says Facebook’s virtual economy may be making up to $100 million this year.
Lightspeed Ventures thinks Facebook will make about $35 million from its virtaul gift store. That’s about 10% of its projected revenue for 2008, estimated at $300m to $350m. For Facebook, these are gifts that keep on giving. The more users who are willing to pay $1 to send digital valentines, birthday or holiday greetings, the more Facebook is able to collect users’ credit card information and create ”digital wallets.”
Whatever the numbers, virtual gifts are a great way to increase revenue per member.
Mixtt Hooks Up Groups for Dating. Reminds me of TeamDating, which had a big media launch, seen in this video.
The Paradigm Shift says dating sites are undergoing Lots of Changes Lately.
New York Times article on the Brave New World of Digital Intimacy. I’m still waiting for dating sites to enable privacy controls so members can display generic information to everyone while selectively allowing vetted people to view private photos and additional information. I learned a new phrase to describe tracking everyone’s lifestreams, “ambient awareness.”
Louis Gray thinks the iPhone users needs their own profiles:
It’s clear that the iPhone has the potential to actually form one of the world’s largest Social Networks, with GPS support, a contacts list (which are your real life friends), and applications that can access that data and communicate back and forth. With such a network monetization potential goes through the roof! However, there is one thing missing that I think would complete the mix – profiles.
Facebook Sandbox, like an extended profile.
I’ve been speaking with companies developing new ways to solve the age-old problem of compatibility, but not just when it comes to romantic relationships. This article about matching college roomates via an online dating-like compatibility program struck a chord, interesting.
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk could be an interesting way to have outsource your dating search. I wonder what dating site Terms of Service say about this?