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I’ve been filling out questions on Chemistry.com for what feels like forever. Some of them I think I remember from the first time I filled out my profile, why are they re-asking me these things? Is it because our answers change over time?

whichfinger.jpgI bailed out about 1/2 way through, not worth the effort today. Spread the questions out over time. There are two schools of though about asking for lots of information. Get everything at once and risk people dropping out like I did, or or ask for a few datapoints during each visit. The problem is when my expectations are not in alignment with a website. Tell me I should go grab a beer and settle in if it’s going to take 20 minutes. Don’t sneak up on me like this.

Which finger is “significantly shorter?” I used to love that question until I realized that I don’t know which one I am. What is the value of “significantly?” Indecisiveness when filling out a personal profile makes me sick to my stomach like nothing else. What if I answer the wrong question and Mrs. Right blows right by me?