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I didn’t have a lot of time to spend with the myriad payment providers who attended the Social Networking and dating conference, so Ryan Tankoos at GlobalCollect was nice enough to provide a brief overview.

In order to effectively monetize an online dating site it’s important to understand not only who the end users are but where they come from. Each country, geographic area, and business model requires a different set of payment methods in order to maximize conversion rates.

I think the payment companies represented at iDate this year are an excellent cross section of the available methods and providers.

  • GlobalCollect is the market leading payment platform for any site looking to expand beyond the US. After a single technical integration our merchants are able to collect payments in over 170 currencies using country specific payment methods including major credit cards, direct debits, bank transfers, real time banking and many others.
  • Litle & Co– Offers an excellent domestic card processing platform, for a dating or social networking site focused only on the US this is an excellent solution.
  • PayByCash– Has an unparallel portfolio of non-card based payment options. Offering these allows companies to collect payments from anyone with cash whether they have a bank account or not.
  • BSG Clearing– Is the leader in mobile billing, their new Bill2Phone product is going to be huge.

Ryan, thanks for this, we hope you will keep us posted on what’s happening in the online dating payment space.