After receiving 50+ email alerts, I broke down and signed up for Singlesnet so I could email people and see how the system works for paid users. It’s arguably the dating site with the most traffic and I wanted to evaluate the experience and see what types of people use the site.
In short, Singlesnet has figured out a way to drive an incredible amount of traffic to a site which for the life of me that I can’t imagine anyone more serious than newbie casual daters actually using.
Let’s take a look at what’s wrong with Singlesnet.
We start with the first-of-its-kind dynamic registration process. Next, we feed your information into our sophisticated compatibility matching technology identifying traits and similarities to find your true love.
This means there is no search capability except for screen name or zip code. Based on the information gathered about members, there really isn’t much for their system to search on.
When I try to email anyone the system says my message is empty and won’t send it. It turns out the emails area actually being sent, which means people are sending multiple emails, thinking that maybe the next one will go through.
I’ve sent a dozen emails and my “Send email” remains empty.
Why is it called “My email” when the communication center contains email, flirts and “match notifications.”
Overall profile quality is low. I’d give it a 3 out of 10. They couldn’t have made it more difficult to understand what the other person wants and if you are a match.
Deleting one or more messages in the main message are displays the text “The selected message(s) have been removed, this may take a short period of time to update your inbox.” Clicking “ok” displays the profile you just deleted. Huh?
Deleting a message while reading the message is just painful, reloading the main messages window along the way.
Match clearly has the best messaging system in the business. It couldn’t be any easier to get an immediate snapshot of who you’re talking to, have added to you favorites list, has winked at you, etc. I wish more sites would learn from their design.
I’m not sure there is a user experience designer at Singlesnet. Did anyone who is not a developer ever look at the site? Looks like user testing didn’t make it into the budget.
What is a “One to one match notification?” What are we matching on? There is so little information captured in profiles, no wonder the only search option is zip code.
The Help section doesn’t come close to providing any value past logging in.
Photos display in improperly-sized pop-up windows powered by javascript. Why is there even a pop-up window? To increase pageviews?
“There are 15 members in your area that we think are interested in you.” Can they be more ambiguous? Is this different from match notifications? How does Singlesnet “think” people are interested in me? What is this assumption based on? Again, back to the paltry amount of information in profiles to base level of interest.
Someone is interested in me. “You can respond back to the user by flirting (for free) or upgrading to a featured member to send patty156 an email.” I’m a paying member, why am I seeing this and why can’t I send a message?
Finally, it appears that 100% of the emails I’ve received have been from scammers.
What Works
About the only thing that works on the site is the credit card processor. They have their priorities straight.
If my seat of the pants analysis is in any way indicative of the quality of the site, the Singlesnet motto should be, “Where singles remain single.” I’m being harsh because the company is doing such a disservice to its members. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing, instead focusing on driving a lot of traffic to the site and making as much money as they can. That’s capitalism, but it still smacks of inauthenticity and I hate to see people being taken advantage of.
The site will not rank in the top 10 for much longer, save your effort and money and join a site that works that is focused on providing a high-quality experience and members.