I can’t stand gigantic consumer-oriented blogs. It’s like TV that takes more attention than I’m willing to give. I’d rather watch Entertainment Tonight or read InTouch while I’m waiting for my sandwich at lunch.
I read plenty of so-called dating blogs to see if anyone is doing anything interesting, but most of the time I find the real gems in the blogs that have nothing to do with dating.
Case in point, 10ZenMonkeys, a bunch of brilliantly strange bloggers that write about topics off the beaten path.
I came across The Scientific Laws of Romancec at 10Zen and was amused by the concept of Whitehill’s Law of Constant Distances.
The Law: In a relationship, there exists a Constant Distance (CD) between two people that must be maintained at all times.
Not as scientific as a personality profiling system, but much more fun to read about if you’re interested in what goes on under the hood of a typical relationship and don’t go for the smarmy cheerleading Dating-101 rehash that most dating blogs have decided is the best way to reach singles.