Compete has the latest on traffic to mainstream dating sites.
- True, previously ranked 9th in terms of member logins, moved into the top five sites. Like many dating services, True sends email as a way to encourage paid subscriptions, and in February nearly 60% of member traffic came through this channel.
- Match took the lead with nearly 20 million member logins in February.
-, the largest free site in the group, was pushed out of the top 5 but still captured over twice the member activity of 7th place Mate1, despite being 1/5th its size in visitor traffic.
The threshold for belong to dating sites is apparently 10. There was no indication that members were actively involved in more than nine sites in February. I beat that two years ago when I was up to about 45 sites.
Alexa, the stat provider most often referred to by media and analysts, was blocking other sites that use its data like Statsaholic, which put a much nicer interface on top of the Alexa data.