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New York Times on dating profiles, coaches and the importance of great photos. A handful of people make a decent living doing coaching and taking photos, I’ve always thought the process needed to be automated to operate at internet scale. Why help one person for a hundred bucks when you can help 5,000 and make a lot more money (and happy people?) There are coaches at different price points, and always wingmen and wingwomen for hire. Somedat a big dating site is going to integrate these services, as I’ve been telling them for the past four years.

The quality of the profiles goes up, people have a better experience on the site, the site gets a better reputation, makes more money, and everyone is happier. How difficult is this for dating sites to understand? I often got the cold shoulder when I was pitching ProfileDoctor profile enhancement services to the dating industry a few years ago. Everyone was riding high and making money. Now that times are getting tougher, perhaps the importance of a great profile will come back into vogue. The reality is that dating sites tend to gravitate to value-added services which affect the bottom line in the short term. This myopic focus on revenue makes them unable to see the value of service which enhance the overall quality of the service, which leads to more revenue in the long run.

Shameless self-promotion:
If you are an enlightened dating site operator, I would be happy to license or sell the system to the right dating site, or network of sites. ProfileDoctor remains miles ahead of what other profile enhancement services are doing. Contact me if you’re interested in a demo and learning more about increasing the value of your member database.