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CommandN has a videoblog segment about a company offering bumper stickers containing unique identifiers which people can enter at the Flirtingintraffic.com website to view the driver’s profile.

Flirting in Traffic is a dating alternative that allows you to reach out to others that you find interesting or attractive by contacting them through their Flirting ID number they have attached to the back of their car.

I previously wrote about NuRide, which offers a dating service along with their carpooling service and I still can’t remember the name of the EU company whose sells clothing with 10-digit numbers prominently displayed which act like the numbers on the Flirtingintraffic bumper stickers.

Tip to the developers, reduce the size of the essay textarea or increase the number of characters, disk space is cheap. While I’m at it, where is the “about them” essay?

The search feature needs a lot of work, but I was surprised at the number of people in my area already on the site.

The segment starts 4:40 into video. Flirtingatthebar.com and Flirtingoncampus.com are coming soon. My ID is BB937.

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