There is not much I will watch on network television besides Lost and 24 and Numbers. The tv is often on but it’s usually Netflix or cable. I was excited to learn that ABC is launching a a global interactive game based on Lost. The show will features a parallel story line which is not part of the tv show. I wonder if the new Lost game will have a page on Myspace? 4 8 15 16 23 42 for those in the know.
Last night I read the SecondLife expose in Businessweek which got me started thinking about the role of gameplay in social networking and online dating. As I am writing this I received an email from Oddcast, the creators of avatars you can use in anything from canned sales pitches to personalized emails. is using Oddcast avatars to promote “bingo dates.”
Bingo Ballroom worked with Oddcast to develop interactive banners that invite bingo enthusiasts to go on a “bingo date” with a talking avatar. Talking avatar banners also offer details on the latest promotions. The best part about these dates is that you can turn them off and you never have to share your winnings!
As an aside, I’m not a fan of team/group dating, I prefer to periodically play scrabble at my corner bar with my neighbors. I’ve chatted up women many times while playing, and even invited them to take my turn. It’s an easy way to spark a conversation and gives us something to interact around instead of the old “can I buy you a drink” routine.
Have you come across sites that have mixed games with dating? What kind of games do you think would work? For example, it would be interesting for casual daters to have to answer questions in order to get access to certain people, like a mental capcha. Or, have the piece together clues in a profile to come up with a secret phrase that will unlock more of the profile, or the person’s contact information.
Probably more for social networking sites than dating, but interesting none the less.
Technorati Tags: oddcast, dating+games