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Before you spend anywhere from $1,500 to upwards of $50,000 on a matchmaker or traditional dating service you owe it to yourself to be as well-informed as possible.
The first step is being aware of all your options. There are many matchmakers out there to choose from and that certain matchmakers may be a better fit for you and your circumstances that others (geographic, financial, demographic to name a few).
You’re about to place a great deal of trust, responsibility, and a good deal of money into the hands of a complete stranger. It can be overwhelming to look up matchmakers in the phone book or an internet search engine and it’s not exactly the type of question you ask your friends at a cocktail party.
To help you get up to speed I am providing two reports. These in-depth reports contain everything you’ll need to choose the matchmaker or service which is right for you.
One covers matchmakers, the other covers traditional offine dating serivces. Both reports help you answer questions such as “What services can I trust?”, “How much will it cost?”, “How do they operate” and “What should I expect?”
The Matchmakers Market
Price: $276.00 – 30 Pages
An in-depth discussion and description of how matchmakers operate: summary & discussion, why they’re doing well today.
Market size & status report: estimated number of matchmakers in the U.S., 2005 estimate, 2008 forecast, average revenues per matchmaker.
The Matchmaking Institute: entry of new matchmakers into the profession.
Industry trade association: discussion of past efforts to form The National Association of Ethical And Professional Matchmakers, other efforts.
Major market trends: ease of entry, use of websites, impact of recessions, ancillary services being offered.
Profiles of Some of the Top U.S. Independent Matchmakers. For matchmakers profiled below… an in-depth discussion and description of how they operate, typical fees, clients served, specializations, address or phone and website. Findings of Marketdata phone interviews, opinions on status of the market.
Matchmakers covered
Janis Spindel, Irene Valenti (Valenti International), Orly Hadeda (Orly the Matchmaker), Leora Hoffman Associates, Kailen Rosenberg (Global Love Mergers), Zelda Fischer (Gentle People Ltd,, Barbie Adler (Selective Search Inc.), Lisa Ronis Personal Matchmaking, Jill Kelleher (Kelleher & Associates) and Dianne Bennett.
Traditional (off-line) Dating Services
Price: $245.00 – 18 Pages
Summary & definition of “off-line�? or “traditional�? bricks & mortar dating services with physical office locations, the franchises and major chains. History of these competitors, recent effect of online services boom, troubles of Great Expectations and Together Dating Service, comments/observations of former owners/employees, other experts.
Costs per acquisition, marketing methods, profit margins, avg. receipts per office. interview with GE & Matchmakers International management/owners.
Market $ size & status report: 1997-2005, Marketdata 2005 growth estimate, 2008 forecasts
Have companies changed their sales practices? – discussion, recent actions.
Table: The 4 major chains, by no. of offices and revenues, 2003 & 2005
Competitor Profiles (headquarters, website, how the service works, no. of offices, fees charged, no. of customers, profile of its customers, franchising, avg. gross sales potential per office, typical profit margins, expenses, marketing methods, recent mergers/acquisitions, recent company developments, estd. or actual company revenues, mgmt. opinions, etc). Status reports & findings of Marketdata interviews. In-depth profiles for following companies…
- Great Expectations
- Together Dating Service /The Right One
- Matchmakers International
- It’s Just Lunch
- Other off-line companies
NOTE: These reports are part of a larger report on the online dating industry. If you are interested in learning about the rest of the report, go here.
Purchasing: Please Contact David Evans at 617-939-7916 or email relaxedguy at gmail dot com to order either report.