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Realtors are showing my building right now so I had to evacuate for a few hours to avoid the disruption. I’m at Starbucks, $10 for a day of wifi. Right about now I’d like to be working and listening to profiles on my Nano, which I forgot to bring so I am dealing with what they call adult contemporary.

I’ve got my Powerbook here, but what if I had left it at home and brought along my iPod? How would I remember or rate people I’ve listened to while I’m jogging, walking or sipping a latte? I see at PodDater that you can rate people on the site, but what about when you’re untethered?

Answer: use the song rating feature on iPods. I don’t have a video iPod but I bet the feature exists for videos too. This feature is usually accessible via the scroll wheel, much like the volume control.

Rate a bunch of people and when you return, sync up with Itunes, which should upload the ratings to PodDater.

I like walks in the rain, 2 Stars, I have 9 cats, 1 Star, I love my Powerbook, 4 Stars, my friends call me quirkydelicious, 5 Stars.

I have no idea of PodDater is thinking about this, if they use it, just put $25 on my Starbucks card as a token of appreciation.

Technorati Tags: , poddater