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Hightlights and lowlights:

76% of singles nationwide who use Internet dating sites have met someone special. You have got to be kidding me.

The survey found that 16% of singles met their last date online, besting more traditional meeting places like work (15%), bars and dance clubs (11%), school (8%) or coffee houses and bookstores (3%). The leading way to meet a date continues to be through friends and family, with 21% of singles saying that was how they met their last date.

It’s just as easy to meet people at work than online at a dating site and barely better than a nightclub. That is not a promising number.

24% more people use internet dating to find a last minute date. I wonder what the initial percentage was? “Hi, I have last minute tickets to a show and you look hot, want to join me?”

20-30% of men and women think it’s ok to date the boss. That’s why we have National Secretary’s Day.

File under 127% non-scientific:

New York taking a turn from a “Best Dating City� in 2005 to a “Worst Dating City� on this year’s list.

Washington D.C. going from a top ten “Best� ranking in 2005 to achieving the dubious honor of being the number #1 “Worst City For Dating� in 2006. Atlanta continues to earn its “Hotlanta� nickname, holding its position as the No. 1 “Best Dating City� for the second year in the row. Los Angeles also holds steady, keeping its second place ranking for the second year.

Funny how AOL, which is in a great position to sell products to daters, hardly mentioned Valentine’s gifts, whereas Eharmony, which doesn’t have a good sales channel, talks mostly about how much people spend on Valentine’s Day.

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