I’ve received a ton of Valentine’s Day survey’s. It’s interesting that the only time most dating sites tend to do these survey’s at Valentine’s Day. Do dating sites gain more paying customers during this pre V-day time period?
I have to say the Eharmony survey is more thorough than most. A lengthy end note goes into the methodology used in the study. However, after reading 10 or so survey’s, the late entries start to become slightly nauseating. Statistic after statistic pertaining to consumerism, gift guilt and percentages of age groups going out to dinner, buying cards and the like.
These surveys are an effective way to get a some stats good for a few news articles and make it easy for reporters to bang out a few hundred words.
Once you get past that and into general relationship statistics of the Eharmony survey, there are some nuggets of interest.
I want to hear what is wrong with the industry and what people think should be done to fix it. Not how much people plan on spending on chocolate.
Let’s get back to customer conversions, better marketing strategies, pricing and retention. Everything else is just noise at the moment. We’re a week past the only dating conference in the US, this should be a time to reflect on what we’ve learned.
Technorati Tags: survey, valentines+day