Now that Consumating and CNET have been getting it on for a while, Consumating has taken advantage of the CNET network and warp-speed servers and released the first update, popularity by tag and zip code. Tag/zip intersection queries would bring most dating site server to a crawl. Which is a nice benefit to the CNET relationship. Ben also updated the way the popularity index looks and works, looks much nicer now.
The people on Consumating remind me of the people on the old Spring Street Networks – the coolest of the cool singles. They’re probably all on Myspace too, but then again my cousin’s baby is two weeks old and I believe he has a Myspace profile already. Which reminds me, I need to buy the little guy a share of Apple and Google stock, or at least a short because Google at $700 reminds me of the Dow at 14,000 hype of a few years ago.
[tags: consumating]