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Mark Brooks has published a number of dating and social networking executive interviews. His latest is with Mooble, yet another social networking site.

Quick thoughts:

Home pages full of half-naked women will get you a lot of spike traffic. Show me the revenue.

Mooble hope to make money by doing advertising differently, by making it more like content. Great idea, we need to see more of this. most social network site advertising is terrible.

I was caught off guard when I read the Mooble were surprised at how well Facebook is doing. Huh?

Bebo’s CEO started several other early social and photo sharing sites, a solid pedigree. Read the interview, excellent details and insights. Best info I’ve read in any of Mark’s interviews, which learn towards the softball-type questions.

Many social networking sites will tell you that it is better to grow with a broken site than build to scale from the get go. Spend your precious capital on marketing.

The EU social networking scene is really hopping, most of these sites would never make it in the US, too much similar competition.

Beebo are copying the best of their competitors and adding their own unique spin. This is what every new social networking site does. It’s a typical market-share grab in an overcrowded, undifferentiated industry. Go visit 10 social networking sites and figure out what makes each of them different. Copy and paste as a business model does work once you get critical mass, but is rarely sustainable for the long haul.

We are at a point in the growth of the social networking movement that a few million profiles means you are only beginning to get traction. When did this happen? A few years ago, a site would be considered a big success with a million registered users. Today, you can get that with a few blog mentions, a press release and sexy women on the home page.

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