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nerve dating portlandiaLiving single in a big city like Boston is great. There is never any shortage of people to go out with who are at least close to the type of person you want to date. From bible-thumper hotties to lesbo riott girlz, a decent sized city has got them all.

Now that I’m in Vermont, well lets just say I have a newfound appreciation for singles that live out in the middle of nowhere. So this is what its like to have “limited inventory”, wow.

I went to sign up for Nerve Dating (finally!) and it says that a few major cities are launched. This is all about density, they don’t want to spread themselves to thin across the country, better to saturate what I call football cities (cities large enough for a pro football team) then move on to secondary and tertiary markets. Plus its easier on the pocketbook while they get traction. $500-$1,000 per city per day perhaps?

At least OkCupid, Match and even POF and a few other sites have good Vermont databases. Surprised that liberal dating sites don’t own this state, huge untapped market, someone go start a White Label Dating site, stat!

I think I’ll fib and say I’m still in Boston, really want to see what’s up with Nerve, which was once officially The Best Dating Site To Ever Roam The Earth.