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Let’s take a look at how DownToEarth is doing in the Boston area. There are 250,000 DownToEarth members according to Compete.

Within 50 miles of Boston, has photos:

220 Women between 18-30
80 women between 30-40
140 women over 40.

Within 250 miles of Boston, has photos:

500 Women between 18-30
360 women between 30-40
470 women over 40.

I especially liked the woman who’s photo featured her firing a machine gun. I hope she writes back.

250,000 / 50 States = 5,000 per state. Obviously there should be a higher density in urban areas and I only searched for women, but why aren’t there more people showing up? My 250 search *should* have covered all of New England and Metro New York/Tri-State area, eight states in all.

Where are these people? It would be great to see a heatmap of density so you could pick the dating site which has the most people in your particular area. I’ve lived in suburbs and cities all my life and have no idea which dating site is best for Montana or North Dakota.