The Internet Dating Conference is taking place in Miami January 22-23. If you haven’t bought your passes yet, here are the iDate registration details. You’ll save up to a few hundred dollars if you register before January 15th. If you are looking to start a dating site, you should absolutely attend. You’ll learn a lot in the sessions and even more in the hallways. If you run a dating site, you should attend. Pretty much the entire industry will be there and it’s a great way to meet a lot of people just like you, including value-added service partners like background checks, video/chat, payment processors and much more.
In coming days I’ll be posting about the myriad speakers, workshops and what else is going on at the conference. Last year I spent most of my time dealing with clients exhibiting in the trade show floor, television producers and the media. This year I’m looking forward to speaking on a panel about revenue generation, reconnecting with old friends and associates and meeting the latest generation of dating sites and social network operators. See you in Miami.