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Several times a week people ask me to recommend which dating site software or platform is “the best.”

Being that I am not a developer, I point people to the Tools area as a good starting point and let them come to their own conclusion, hopefully with a knowledgeable developer close at hand.

Intrepid online dating entrepreneurs may want to check out GPLDate, which Rob from ModMySite announced recently.

ModMySite provides help, support, modifications, and upgrades for the GPLdate Open Source Dating / Community Script, BoonEx Dolphin – Smart Community Builder Script (GPL), the BoonEx Dolphin Dating Script, the aeWebWorks aeDating Dating Script, and other related PHP / mySQL based Applications.

I really with they had come up with a better name than GPLDate. GPL stands for general public license, too generic.

The ModMySite contains a forum, which might be a good place for those of you looking for assistance with your site or help selecting dating site software.

Is anyone using Webscribble? I know several companies developing services for dating sites are using Webscribble for their test sites and have been surprised the software is not receiving more attention.

BoonEx (used to be AE Webworks) Dolphin script gets mentioned a lot in the comments here. I’ve not used it myself but I tend to lump all inexpensive script packages together, for good or for bad.

Often one would categorize dating sites in a box as reliable, scalable, extendable or the right price. Problem is you can only pick three, you never get four out of four.

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