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I’ve been receiving a lot of JDate live events emails from their marketing machine. I signed up a while ago to check it out and have been receiving a steady flow of events, especially since Match gave up and went home, which is shorthand for deleting a loss-leading unit to control costs and further trim the head-count in time for major management re-org.

I love that JDate is hosting the party in Boston is on the 24th, they’ll have the entire danceclub for themselves.

I went a a ton of Match Live Events around Boston, and I can tell you from personal experience, the people who attended these things were not my target market. Not even close. Slipshod events, mismatched people at tables and too expensive to boot. I have to give credit to the poor woman running the events, she certainly tried to make the best of things for everyone involved. Maybe speed-dating will make a comeback. Anything is better than a lock and key party.

I have to go attend a live tele-interview with Dr. John Gray, mega-best selling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus books. It was a complimentary gift from e-datingExperts.com, which is actually not a bad idea, except that I my phone has about 3 minutes of battery left. The things I do for you people.