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You often hear marketers talking about the test-iterate cycle dating sites go through with home pages, ads, copy and signup process. During iDate I heard a panelist talking about problems with making sure that general member communications and affiliate email marketing campaigns are not categorized as spam and blocked by ISP’s. StrongMail was one of the companies mentioned.

The StrongMail blog, Email Marketing Insights, talk about Email Design: Don’t Be Scared…Try Something Different. Dating sites optimize advertising creative, yet often do not continuously improve their email marketing templates. Sites have hundreds of pieces of information about users, but the data are rarely fed back into email marketing campaigns.

For example, I’ve received 50+ emails from eHarmony in the last few months trying to get me to re-subscribe, but each email is canned, lacking personalized messaging that might engage me and turn me back into an active member.

This is not rocket science, clearly a lost opportunity. Last login, emails sent, dropping out of the communication process- there are myriad ways to convert inactive users attention. Why aren’t dating sites making use of this valuable information?